The Summer Solstice

June is almost over, meaning we’re already almost halfway through the year. It’s going fast. June should have been the month of letting things go that had interfered in your taking care of self care and self love. How did that work for you? No boundaries? Negative thinking? Beliefs that were untrue? Hopefully by the end of the month you have let go of it all. 

During June Venus entered Leo and is sticking around there for most of the summer. This, will bring into focus what you want and need but in the area of your of relationships. When Mercury enters Gemini it gives its social butterfly energy for the month of June in the sign of Gemini.

During the middle of June Saturn retrograde begins. It’s not like a Mercury retrograde. Retrogrades are a period of review and revise. We review what we don’t have control over and what we do.  If you can’t control something you let it go and don’t stress over it. 

On 21 June, it’s the summer solstice – and the beginning of Cancer season. The solstice has to do with the light. While it’s the brightest in the Northern Hemisphere and darkest in the Southern. It is the Yin and Yang of the polarities. It marks the beginning of a new season. The spring to summer solstice correspond to one of the four Cardinal signs-Cancer. On the 21 of June we will move towards the darkness again. This time will push you to look at your emotional state a little more closely. How are you really doing? Why is your mood being disrupted? Mercury joining the sun in Cancer  – it’s time for self care, and it’s important to do so.

Finally, on 30 June, another retrograde begins. It’s Neptune’s time. Revise, reflect and revisit. The effects are all about reflecting on people’s hunches, beliefs, and illusions and how these might affect our lives. Neptune isn’t always clear. It’s the misty, foggy planet of illusions. Watch out for misunderstandings. 

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Photo by Hyundai Motor Group on Unsplash