Blog (Summer through Fall 2023)

Can The Summer Solstice Impact Your Life?

June is almost over, meaning we’re already almost halfway through the year. It’s going fast. June should have been the month of letting things go that had interfered in your taking care of self care and self love. How did that work for you? No boundaries? Negative thinking? Beliefs that were untrue? Hopefully by the end of the month you have let go of it all. 

During June Venus entered Leo and is sticking around there for most of the summer. This, will bring into focus what you want and need but in the area of your of relationships. When Mercury enters Gemini it gives its social butterfly energy for the month of June in the sign of Gemini.

During the middle of June Saturn retrograde begins. It’s not like a Mercury retrograde. Retrogrades are a period of review and revise. We review what we don’t have control over and what we do.  If you can’t control something you let it go and don’t stress over it. 

On 21 June, it’s the summer solstice – and the beginning of Cancer season. The solstice has to do with the light. While it’s the brightest in the Northern Hemisphere and darkest in the Southern. It is the Yin and Yang of the polarities. It marks the beginning of a new season. The spring to summer solstice correspond to one of the four Cardinal signs-Cancer. On the 21 of June we will move towards the darkness again. This time will push you to look at your emotional state a little more closely. How are you really doing? Why is your mood being disrupted? Mercury joining the sun in Cancer  – it’s time for self care, and it’s important to do so.

Finally, on 30 June, another retrograde begins. It’s Neptune’s time. Revise, reflect and revisit. The effects are all about reflecting on people’s hunches, beliefs, and illusions and how these might affect our lives. Neptune isn’t always clear. It’s the misty, foggy planet of illusions. Watch out for misunderstandings. 

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Venus in Leo! Get Ready.

The Planet of Love and Beauty!

Want to learn some parlor games from years ago? Learn Astrology, Magic and the Tarot! Don’t wait for it to happen …make them happen!

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and connection, will journey through Leo from June 5th to October 8th, 2023. Venus in Leo gets attention. Dresses loudly. Claims its place in the world. Venus in Leo is all about loving big and isn’t that what life is all about? Venus in Leo is pleasure, bold expression, a ritual, and a right of passage.

Venus retrogrades between July 22 and September 3, require that we look inward. How have the past part of you felt loved or unloved? Were you nurtured or neglected? This kind of soul searching is not up Venus’s alley —-because Venus in Leo is so playful at the HEART of Leo! The Lionheart! Think of it as a regeneration of the heart from past hurts. The antidote. 

Want to learn more about Venus in Leo, it is for every sign, book a reading with me. We can look at the tarot for answers too.      [email protected] …let me know how I can help.

Pluto-rebirth and transformation.

Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn this week for a 6 1/2 month stay. Leaving Aquarius behind for a period of time. It won’t be the last time until 2024. The planet of ordeals of the underworld is Pluto, he is also called Hades. It is a revolutionary planet to rise again. It’s the dark side of nature that we must experience…… sometime. It isolates us from the land of the living. You can’t go back to the way it was before, we were transformed. There is a coolness about him that rules over the realm of shadow… the underworld. Pluto is associated with past lives our Leo placement in your life.

Send me an email at to set up a time for your reading. Thank you!

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Astrology is Magical…….

Book an Astrology Reading and find out who you are!

It’s not just your Sun sign that tells the story about you! It is you Moon sign and Ascendent (the  sign in the sky that was coming up (ascending) in the sky when you were born) is also part of you personality. All of these relate to a special planet in your birth chart. Make friends with these planets as you learn about how they relate to you. Oh and then there is Saturn your astrological father. He is a big part of your life. Learn how to get along with him since Saturn will affect you many times in your lifetime. Beautiful Venus will be in Leo soon so let’s find out how it fits into your Leo placement in your life.

Send me an email at to set up a time for your reading. Thank you!

[email protected]

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Mars In Virgo

Virgo rules the 6th house–the house of work and health. Be care of your protectionism.

Seeking advice from someone else will help you move forward with assuredness as you align yourself to your soul purpose.

Mars is the planet of desire and energy. It is exalted in Capricorn, but it does fairly well in Virgo, where implementing fantasy into reality becomes more of a reality.

The Lunar Nodes enter Aries and Libra the Doorway to our Destiny.

This article originally appeared on Yoga Journal. It was edited.

One of the more significant astrological shifts taking place this year is about to change the direction of our individual and collective evolution throughout the next 18 months.July 17, 2023, brings a shift of the lunar nodes from the Taurus-Scorpio axis, where they have been situated since January 2022, to the Aries-Libra axis, where they will remain until January 2025. This invites us to cultivate a new and different relationship of selfhood. We look to the lunar nodes for insights into our purpose, soul growth, destiny, and evolution. The lunar nodes aren’t tangible objects or planets. They are two mathematical points in space delineated by where the Moon’s orbit intersects the Sun’s apparent path, or ecliptic.What the north node in Aries and the south node in Libra in 2023 means to us? The nodes work with signs that are opposite to one another, which means a movement toward the north node is the direction we should aspire to in this life as the south node was where we were in previous lives. The nodes are alway opposite each other north in Aries south node in Libra.  The north node shifts into Aries is a higher expressions and potentials of this fiery sign that we can explore. We should be moving away from the lower form, of our early stages in the evolutionary development which is expressed in Libra, found in the south node. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It is our introduction to a separate self, an individual self, and the “I.” It is a zodiac sign of fire, which consists of inspiration, passion, desire, and direction. Aries is here to begin, spark, create, and forge a new way. It needs freedom, independence, and empowerment to move, guided, create where it’s inspired, and take action. As an archetype, Aries exists within each of us. As the north node shifts into Aries and goes through this sign, we are invited to reach for our  courage. The courage to be self serving and independently to self. The courage to assert your desires and take action to what you believe. The courage to say yes to yourself, and no to others. On the other side of the axis at the south node is Libra. If Aries is the Self, Libra is the Other. It works with partnership, collaboration, and the other people in the mix.. Libra is always keenly aware of what the other needs at any moment to arrive in a state of peace, harmony, and fairness.While Libra has the potential to hold diplomacy, grace, and elegance, our journey into the realm of the south node highlights the potentially harmful dimensions of the air sign. These are the aspects that, as a collective, we are ready to heal and evolve. These include needing to be so in tune with another that we leave the needs of the Self. Also, needing peace and harmony so much that we fall into unhealthy pleasing, passiveness and turning away from that which is not peaceful yet still requires our attention.The upcoming 18 months are an exploration into where and how we tend to others to the point of losing the Self. How we adapt to the environment to the point of losing self?  Also where and how we compromise on the desires to let the other shine in the world while we take a back seat.There may be fears around beliefs of not being able to bring our needs to the forefront. Putting the aspect of Self to the side for others needs and remind us what is important and what we need as an individual.This time is offering healing to our fears of what others think of us. Also where and how we allow others’ perceptions to rule us, control us, and hinder us. We must bring love to the parts of ourselves we have given up in the name for another so that we may revive these parts of ourselves. Giving up codependency to gain respect from the other to for fill our needs to be wanted.We are invited through Astrology to change, whether through the daily movements of the Moon, the seasonal changes of the Sun, or the planetary bodies that shift once every so many years. These changes mimic life. We need to continue to meet new opportunities, invitations, and challenges. These changes are reflected in the way the Earth shifts through her seasons. It is seen through the way our bodies change, age, and decay. We know that there are changes. Sometime they are loud and clear sometimes they are more subtle.It is important to claim who you are. Your freedom, what you need, all of your feelings and more is the invitation of the north node in Aries. To channel more of your life into yourself, your desires, and your fulfillment.There is a focus on the self throughout these next 18 months, and a healing of the beliefs that tries to tell us this focus is selfish. We each have our own path. This chapter of following your north node in Aries is a reminder that you are worthy of time, attention, energy and focus. Enjoy the journey!

Jordane Maree

Thu, July 13, 2023