Overview of 2024


Pluto in Aquarius

January 20th – September 1st, 2024

November 19th, 2024 – January 18, 2024


Solar Eclipes in Aries April 8, 2024 + Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus -April 20th


Jupiter in Gemini: May 25th, 2024 – June 9th, 2025


Jupiter Squares Saturn-August 19th and December 24th, 2024


Eclipes in Pisces – September 17, 2024


Solar Eclipes in Libra -October 2, 2024

Mar RX December 6th, 2024 – February 23rd, 2025

 + Jupiter Squares Saturn-Ends December 24, 2024.

We can’t forget Mercury!

Mercury Retrograde in Fire Signs

Mercury Rx in Aries: April 1st – 25th, 2024

Mercury Rx in Virgo and Leo: August 4th – 28th, 2024

Mercury Rx in Sagittarius: November 25th – December 15th, 2024

Some information was from Kelly Surtees “Overview of 2024” course

Other important observations:

What are the planetary alignments in January 2024?

The next planetary alignment takes place on January 27, 2924. Three bright planets – Venus, Mars, and Mercury – will align in the morning sky, all visible to the naked eye in the constellation Sagittarius. Venus (mag -3.9) will be the first planet to appear about an hour before the local sunrise.