Pluto in Aquarius (Continue)

 How will Pluto in Aquarius affect you in your sign?

Aquarius and Aquarius Ascendents– Pluto is in your first house of self. You are going to be learning new things about yourself which might be different from the normal information you have about your personality. This is going to be a personal time of growth for you learning about limitations and possibilities. Expect intense waves and situations throughout the next two decades as the stars are going to be busy helping you gain status, popularity and empowerment into your life. You are in the position having Aquarius in your 1st house for a transformation of self actualization, but it won’t be easy. It may affect you ego but it will be important to know when it is time to move on and shed your skin which will making these instances easier. You’ll experience powerful transformation around your identity and sense of self. 

Pisces and Pisces Ascendents –Pluto moves through Pisces 12th house of inner psyche. Retreating to your shell could make this transit all the more beneficial. Are you acting on impulse to see if you are acting on a hidden motive or are you learning to discern on emotions over intuition? If so you are reacting in a more  powerful way.Your dreams maybe becoming more vivid and intense so if possible share with a professional. It is a deep encounter with yourself and your secret resources, a meeting that will last for twenty years, which is well worth the investment. Your intuition will be particularly accurate and you will be more and more able to help people in difficulty or those who are suffering. You’ll experience powerful transformation around your intuitive gifts and subconscious desires. 

Aries and Aries Ascendents – Pluto will affect Aries in the eleventh house during its transit in Aquarius. You will see friendships in a new light. They may fight with you, and stab you in the back. You will know who your real friends are. It will become pretty intense and upsetting.You will keep your cool as you are a leader in the groups you are working with. The causes that you are involved with will strengthen and you will receive recognition in your network. You will not stop until your goals are met. Aries are ambitious and you will continue with your dreams.You will develop new friends that will support you in your endeavors. Go for it Aries! You will make your mark with the groups you are working with. You’ll experience powerful transformation around your friend group, community, and technology. 

Taurus and Taurus Ascendents – The transit of Pluto in Aquarius will be in the tenth house for Taurus. There are going to be gradual changes in your career and ambitions during this transit. Your identity will reflect your career goals and you will find new ways to have a fulfilling career. You will stay away from manipulative and bossy nature of bosses and coworkers in order to have a better operating position in the workplace. You will be more ambitious too during the transit. There maybe a negative side during this period in your workplace like nepotism, jealousy and favoritism from bosses which might seem like a big huddle to climb. There maybe problems with co-workers and backs stabbing which you need to be warned against. You’ll experience powerful transformation around your work and career. 

Gemini and Gemini Ascendents – Prepare for spiritual and mental revelations. Pluto is transforming the way you see the world as it moves through your ninth house of exploration, and it may even inspire you to take your education to the next level So, seize any opportunity to expand your mind. Spirituality, religion, and philosophy may become important issues for you, given that what you believe in may evolve, You’ll experience powerful transformation around your educational or spiritual pursuits or be called on some kind of travel. You’re open-minded by nature. The next two decades, prepare for huge shifts of epic proportions. Pluto’s journey through Aquarius is set to totally fine tune  your personal belief system. This will allow you to explore new situations of thought and experience. Faraway travels or higher education can bring moving facts over the coming years, which will transform your spirit by continually broadening your views and pushing your past your comfort zone. You’ll be challenged to question your dogmas and rebuild your personal set of ethics. You will cry out for help and understanding of these new ways of thinking of life asking for faith of your new mental and spiritual struggles, but it will help you to gain understanding of the more deeper and true philosophies of life. You’ll experience powerful transformation around your educational or spiritual pursuits or be called on some kind of travel. 

Cancer and Cancer Ascendents – Family and friends will have a hard time  keeping up with you, sweet crab. Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius jumps into the sector of your chart that governs transformation, the eighth house. Since Pluto embodies themes around renewal and evolution. You’ll feel more inspired  to step into the situations you’ve dreamt about taking on. It’ll be important that you lean into your dreamy ambitions throughout the coming years. You need to understanding that you’re responsible for your own sense of happiness. Do you plan on mastering a specific skill like the piano? Maybe you are moving to a new city, or starting a family over the next two decades. At any rate now is the time to get serious about the steps needed to follow through on such journeys. Pluto is transforming a powerful new chapter in your life. Don’t be afraid to dive deep into your psyche and do some serious shadow work. You are changing the ability to sit with uncomfortable truths and be vulnerable about your desires.  This will give your intimate relationships so much more depth. The skeletons in your closet are being brought out into the open. At some point in this transit you’ll be looking them straight in the eye. Dealing with the monsters under the bed isn’t easy, but Pluto inspires strength in you. Despite all the extreme energy, you’ll end up feeling so much better for it. You’ll experience powerful transformation on a deep soul level. 

Leo and Leo Ascendents – You’e embarking on the sign of relationships with Pluto in Aquarius. It will be a new journey for your relationships. You will have different expectations of yourself and others. You shadow side maybe mirrored through others. This will show parts of you that you try to forget or suppress or don’t want to acknowledge. Instead of running from these revelations of you use them to work on yourself and be a better partner. You’re embarking on an entirely new journey through your relationships. You will shift your expectation of yourself on others in your relationships. The people around you may become a mirror to your shadow side, revealing the elements of your identity that you try to suppress or don’t want to acknowledge. Instead of running from these interpersonal reflections, use them to stimulate working on yourself to be more real in your partnerships. It’s time to leave the love games in the past and start looking at your control issues in your relationships.  You need to start having those deep life changing experiences a person can have when there is a feeling of closeness and belongingness in the relationship experience in a partnership.

This is so deserving when there is a true connections with the two.You’ll experience powerful transformation in your most intimate relationships. 

Virgo and Virgo Ascendents – Do some of your day to day routines need reinventing? Pluto’s influence is in your sixth house of rituals and health. This placement that influences your schedule may need to be totally redesigned. You need to take a new look at your everyday activities that will influence your well being and self care. It is important to make your health a priority so that you have good health during this transit. Your work and wellness routines are especially important to you.. The way you always structured your schedule and preform your daily tasks will begin shifting for the long-term over the coming years. You will leave behind previous ways of living and start creating new practices in your life. This productivity will make you even more powerful! You may have to let go of old habits and find out the problems holding you to these unhealthy routine. You will begin to be feeling more powerful with the new you! You’ll experience powerful transformation in your daily life, work, and possibly in your health. 

Libra and Libra Ascendents – There will be a strong desire to express yourself from deep within during this transit of Pluto. His transit through the section of your chart will activate creativity and natural talents. You will be able to empower and refine yourself through art. You will have a strong desire to express yourself which will stem from deep within.  Pluto’s journey through Aquarius activates this sector of your chart that governs creativity and natural talents. You will be able to devote your time and focus on hobbies an interests and develop a brand of your own. These activities will allow you to become more comfortable with yourself and let go of your inhibitions by establishing you unique style. Get rid of those old things holding you back, maybe things from the way you were brought up and celebrate your free spirit. Creative ideas are always plentiful for Venus-ruled signs like yours. You will find that taking these new proclaimed talents will be taken more seriously over the coming years with more control over your artistic visions. Pluto will have its uniquer magic in your love life during this transit. You will request more romantic interactions from your romantic lovers than ever before. Love is in this transits air! You’ll also experience powerful transformation in your relationship with the children in your life and around your creativity. 

Scorpio and Scorpio Ascendents- You need to give yourself emotional growth in this Pluto in Aquarius in the fourth house transit. This transit will bring fourth cycles that have existed in your family tree. It will help you see what behaviors you have carried down from family members that raised you. You will have to determine if these habits were healthy. You may need help from a therapist to go deep in you psyche that have left a strong mark on you. It maybe too difficult to relive these past situations without some help from a therapist, rather than on your own. Maybe even checking your ancestry. Finding lost ancestors will help you connect with your personal history. Learning about your grandparents, great aunts and uncles and other relatives you don’t know will be empowering. It is important to nurture who you are now and your thoughts and actions will be reenforced over time shaping your path. It is important to know from this experience that you can’t run from your emotions. It is hoped that instead of avoiding them, you tackle them head on. This will help you create a better relationship with yourself and others because you have invested in yourself understanding your feeling on a deeper level than before. You’ll experience powerful transformation in your home and living situation. 

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Ascendent – Question the information you receive. Decide what you really want to believe rather than all the gossip and rumors. Also make sure what you have to say about others is true and not just gossip and hearsay for the world to hear. With Pluto on a long-term journey through your communication sector, the third house, you need  to transform the way you think and communicate. You will want to find deeper meaning in you everyday interactions in the way you relate to yourself and others and the world around you. From this point forward, you’ll find yourself seeking deeper meaning in everyday interactions with others. People will find what you have to say important and will look to you for quality information and knowledge. You will be on the alert for news that is meaningful truthful that will help others. You’ll experience powerful transformation in your relationship with your siblings or closest friends and around how you communicate. 

Capricorn and Capricorn Ascendents -There maybe major changes to your finances, as Pluto travels through Aquarius and the sector of your chart that controls materials things and your money. This cosmic weather report is all about how Pluto is transforming your stand with the government and how you amass wealth, tax brackets, expand your credit and gain a secure financial life throughout this important transit. You will need to clean up any debit to get rid of those anchor before you can start raising your money and your status. You will will become motivated as you become aware of how your financial situation can elevated your life and prospective. So, settle in that you will be more financially motived than usual. The universe will push you to plan for major life purchases, raise you standard of living and help you plan for retirement in 20 or 30 years.  You will begin to understand that money is a tool in this life time and world and not necessarily the most important part of your life. You need to resist the the compulsion to work so hard and bury yourself in work goals. You need to take care of yourself by slowing down so you can appreciate beauty, love, and connection with other, as you would do with the need to continuously work and amass wealth. Otherwise you will turn around one day and realize you missed those important moments and life’s miracles, if you let making money your most important goal. You’ll experience powerful transformation around money, pleasure, and tangible experiences. Declutter your space.