2024 Astrological Key Dates: Money and Success. (Dates started week of 1/22/24…it’s still the New Year. Also see the link “What’s New” for March?!!

January 19th at 1:31 am PT: Mercury trines Jupiter- Are you ready to be all you can be?

February 28th at 12:43 am PT and 1:25 pm PT: The Sun conjoins Mercury (cazimi) then Saturn (cazimi) – Align your purpose to all you can make real.

February 29th at 1:53 am PT: Mercury sextiles Jupiter-Look for new information-Teachers, opinions and philosophies help your projects become a reality.

March 1st at 4:15 am PT: the Sun sextiles Jupiter- You dreams are important today so reach out to those that can help you. Stretch your ambitions.

April 11th at 4:03 pm PT: The Sun conjoins Mercury Rx (cazimi)-New ideas and insights become conscious thought. This is the best day during Mercury retrograde for communications, events, and laughing new ideas.

April 11th at 4:03 pm PT: The Sun conjoins Mercury Rx (cazimi)-A great day for all things for you, so work on those things that are most important and inspire you. You can make your own luck today!

April 30th at 8:33 am PT – June 8th at 9:35 pm PT: Mars is at home in Aries – You don’t need anyones permission to forge forward on you trail to success. Believe in all your hard work!

May 3rd at 2:06 am PT: Mars sextiles Pluto Rx-Today is the day for extra focus and determination. Put extra efforts into you project for lasting effects.

May 7th at 8:21 pm PT: New Moon in Taurus-Grow your goals. Let them happen on their own time. The New Moon doesn’t like to rush.

May 18th at 11:45 am PT: the Sun conjoins Jupiter (cazimi)-You costs 8fairy godmother is at work! The power of living is through giving and loving without a need for reward.

May 23rd at 2:44 pm PT: Jupiter sextiles Neptune-Today is a good day for all scenarios. The universe wants to help you.

  • Taken from Chani Nicholas.com, 2024 astrological key dates: money and success.

2024 Astrological Key Dates: Money and Success. (Dates started week of 1/22/24…it’s still the New Year. Also see the link “What’s New” for March?!!